The company has 50 Acres of its own Research and Development farm located at Jonam Chunduru village, Chowdavaram panchayat, Guntur rural mandal, Guntur District. The R&D farm is having with full infrastructural facilities like irrigation and latest and imported equipment for quality controls such as biotechnology and Seed Testing laboratories and Green Houses supported by well qualified & experienced breeders and technicians. Our In-House R&D has been recognized by Govt. of India, Dept. of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology.
The core focus of the company is a farmer preference oriented research programme. Customer requirements gathered from market by internal field force coupled with external surveys conducted at farmer level regularly provide the basic platform to fine tune breeding and marketing activities. The facilities are fully geared with advanced equipments, viz. Green/Net housed for breeding, Pest or Disease screening facility, Drought and Salinity screening facility besides Foundation seed storage. Germplasm is well collected, optimally maintained and immaculately catalogued.
We changes in the technology taking place everyday no company can keep themselves away from the filed of Research. Company therefore understands the importance of research in the field of seed industry; it proposes to undertake research and high value and low volume crops like Hybrids in Cotton and Sun Flower in the first phase. Simultaneously apart from research in new variety company also proposes to conduct continuous purification of available parent material, collection of Germplasm from various sources so as to strengthen the research base for evolution of new hybrids which would phase better price in the market for our research products.
Objective: Constant up gradation of product portfolio, offerings and packages. which is very much essential due to the changing needs of customers, developments in technology and expected competition in the market place.
The Biotechnology Laboratory is equipped with excellent infrastructure to carry out cutting-edge research. With a distinguished team of scientists and technical personnel having vast experience in the field of molecular biology, the Department engages in genetic transformation of crops and marker assisted breeding. Its well-equipped lab facilities can carry out molecular diagnostics of transgenic plants and ELISA.